Monday, August 1, 2016

Ghost Busters (2016) Game Developer Files for Bankrupcy

          On August 1, 2016, It was reported on Kotaku that the game developer that developed the Ghost Busters (2016) game, Fireforge Games, filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy three days after the games' release.Link to Kotaku Article:

          According to the bankrupt filings, Fireforge was liquidating many assets of the company to pay off its' 12 million dollar debt. If anyone who has been keeping up with the game, you most likely know that the game has been getting really bad review scores and from that it looks like sales of the game have been poor as well. A person who worked on the game stated that the game only had an eight month development period, which could be one reason why the game was not received well with its lack luster gameplay and repetitiveness. But anyone who knows a little about game development, eight months is very little time to create a game, if it's a simple game then maybe, but the average game takes at least a good year to make, at least from the type of game Fireforge was going for. It's sad to any company to go bankrupt, because people lose jobs and its just never good, and I wish the best for all the employees of Fireforge and hope you all can find a new job or something to keep you afloat.
                                                    Thank you for reading- Shadoko

New Update for Pokémon Go

              July, 30 2016. Out of nowhere, a new update for Pokémon Go is live on iOS, and Smart Phones. But it's not a meaning less update like the last one, "Simple Text Fixes". This update fixes some of the complaints people had for a while, here's a list of the fixes.
                                                               Version 0.31.0
- You can now re-customize your trainer avatar
- Balances out some over powered Pokémon and their move (Looking at you Vaporeon)
- Refined Gym animations
- Improved Memory issues
- Fixes bug fixes in Wild Pokémon Encounters
- Fixes Three Step Glitch, but it removes foot-prints all together
- Update Pokémon detail screens
- Update achievement medal images
- Fixes issues with displaying certain map features

              The Update also adds some new textures for Pokémon and Pokéballs, and overall makes the game run smoother, the removal of the foot steps is controversial with people saying Niantic is lazy and doesn't want to deal with the real problem at hand, also add to the fact that they are taking down 3rd party sites like Pokévision, pretty much leaving player to blindly look for Pokémon.

Here are also some screenshots from these new text boxes that appear every time you booth up the game. Also from my own experience, there's a chance that a Pokéball might not shake, but it won't be stuck there forever, a text box should appear saying you caught the Pokémon or not.

                                                        Thank You for reading- Shadoko