Monday, August 1, 2016

Ghost Busters (2016) Game Developer Files for Bankrupcy

          On August 1, 2016, It was reported on Kotaku that the game developer that developed the Ghost Busters (2016) game, Fireforge Games, filed for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy three days after the games' release.Link to Kotaku Article:

          According to the bankrupt filings, Fireforge was liquidating many assets of the company to pay off its' 12 million dollar debt. If anyone who has been keeping up with the game, you most likely know that the game has been getting really bad review scores and from that it looks like sales of the game have been poor as well. A person who worked on the game stated that the game only had an eight month development period, which could be one reason why the game was not received well with its lack luster gameplay and repetitiveness. But anyone who knows a little about game development, eight months is very little time to create a game, if it's a simple game then maybe, but the average game takes at least a good year to make, at least from the type of game Fireforge was going for. It's sad to any company to go bankrupt, because people lose jobs and its just never good, and I wish the best for all the employees of Fireforge and hope you all can find a new job or something to keep you afloat.
                                                    Thank you for reading- Shadoko

New Update for Pokémon Go

              July, 30 2016. Out of nowhere, a new update for Pokémon Go is live on iOS, and Smart Phones. But it's not a meaning less update like the last one, "Simple Text Fixes". This update fixes some of the complaints people had for a while, here's a list of the fixes.
                                                               Version 0.31.0
- You can now re-customize your trainer avatar
- Balances out some over powered Pokémon and their move (Looking at you Vaporeon)
- Refined Gym animations
- Improved Memory issues
- Fixes bug fixes in Wild Pokémon Encounters
- Fixes Three Step Glitch, but it removes foot-prints all together
- Update Pokémon detail screens
- Update achievement medal images
- Fixes issues with displaying certain map features

              The Update also adds some new textures for Pokémon and Pokéballs, and overall makes the game run smoother, the removal of the foot steps is controversial with people saying Niantic is lazy and doesn't want to deal with the real problem at hand, also add to the fact that they are taking down 3rd party sites like Pokévision, pretty much leaving player to blindly look for Pokémon.

Here are also some screenshots from these new text boxes that appear every time you booth up the game. Also from my own experience, there's a chance that a Pokéball might not shake, but it won't be stuck there forever, a text box should appear saying you caught the Pokémon or not.

                                                        Thank You for reading- Shadoko

Friday, July 29, 2016

amiibo Check In! #2 7/29/16 Amiibo Spport for Animal Crossing New Leaf

                On July 20, 2016 Nintendo announced that there's going to be a free update for Animal Crossing: New Leaf coming this fall. This update as you can see in the title, will give the game amiibo support, mainly with the Animal Crossing amiibo cards. Have you ever wished you can get your favorite villager back, or bring in your favorite villager? Well now you can, just tap the amiibo card with the villager of choice and the villager will come to your town. But if you tap a non-Animal Crossing amiibo you'll get certain items themed to the character you tapped. Some people seem to really like this idea and it's really awesome, but others think it might take out the fun of Animal Crossing. But what do you think, is this a new awesome feature to make you revisit Animal Crossing: New Leaf, or is it to little to late? Also as of now there seems to be no information about the Animal Crossing amiibo Figures, and there compatibility, stay tune for details.

Images from Animal Crossing Japanese Website
Thank you for reading - Shadoko

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Sonic 25th Anniversary Party Recap

       So on July 22, 2016 Sega held the Sonic 25th Anniversary Party and made lots of announcements for Sonic's 25th Anniversary.

     The first big announcement that was made was the reveal of Sonic Mania! A brand new 2-D Sonic game that resembles the classic 16-Bit games visually and gameplay wise with the three playable characters Sonic, Tails, & Knuckles. There's a new move called the Drop Dash, where you immediately spin forward when you hit the ground after a jump. As far as we know, Sonic is the only character that's able to do the Drop Dash ability. With this we can assume that Knuckles and Tails will have there abilities from Sonic 3 & Knuckles, wall climbing, flying ect. Sonic Mania will be released in Spring 2017 for PlayStation 4, X-Box One, PC, sorry Wii U owners, there's nothing about a Wii U version nor a NX version as of yet.

The second announcement was Classic Sonic joining Sonic Dash as long with a Green Hill Zone Stage. After that they showed off a trailer for Sonic in Lego Dimensions and showing you can play as Super Sonic! The Lego Sonic Pack will be release this Fall. 

And finally the moment everyone was waiting for, the big 25th Anniversary game. Well they did and didn't revealed it. We got to teaser trailer of sorts with Modern Sonic on top of a building looking angry at the destroyed world where these Death Egg like robots are causing chaos. Sonic runs towards to big robots when some rocks come towards him and Classic Sonic saves him and they both run toward to robots, and the trailer ends with some text saying "Join the Resistance". So yeah there seems to some what of a mix reaction to the trailer, but over all pretty positive. The game's name for now is "Project Sonic 2017" and is set to release Holiday 2017 for the PS4, X-Box One, PC and NX.

That's all pretty much all the news that came out of the event, the livestream its self was okay with buzzing and a big delay in the beginning, but over all pretty nice.
Thank You for reading-Shadoko 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Live-Action Pokémon Movie Comfirmed!

 Breaking News! It has been comfirmed there's going to be a Live-Action Pokémon movie about Detective Pikachu. There has been rumors about a Live-Action Pokémon as of recently, but it's now officially comfirmed that Legendary Pictures will be making the first Live-Action Pokémon Movie, with production to start next year! So, a Pokémon Live-Action Movie, it's finally happening.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Free Data on Pokémon Go with T-Mobile

       On July 14, 2016, T-Mobile announced that starting next Tuesday (7/19/16) , Pokémon Go players can take their Pokémon hunting experience to the next level. All T-Mobile users for one, will have free data when they use Pokémon Go, in other words playing Pokémon Go will not use up any of your data, for one whole year. Second, free Lyft rides up to $15 to get to a new PokéStop or Gym. Third, free Wendy’s Frosty to cool you down if your baking in the sun or just hungry. And fourth, 50% off selected items like portable charger, because if you played Pokémon Go, you know that'll come in handy. So yeah, that a great bonus for T-Mobile users that play Pokémon Go, while everyone else gets nothing, but who knows, this might encourage other phone companies to do something like this to get on the Pokémon Go bang wagon, because unless your living under a rock, this game is everywhere now, it's phenomenal.
                                                   Thank You for reading-Shadoko

Nintendo announces Mini NES Classic Edition

               Earlier today July 14, 2016, Nintendo announced the Nintendo Entertainment System   (NES) Classic Edition on their Twitter page with a picture showing its design.
As you can see, this version of the NES is smaller, being able to be held with one hand, and in the front of the console in the black area there are classic controller ports where you can connect a       Wii Classic Controller or a Wii Classic Controller Pro. The console will support HDMI so you can connect it to more modern Televisions. You can also buy an extra controller if you want to play with two players witch will go for the suggested retail price of $9.99. The Mini NES Classic Edition will go for the suggested retail price of $59.99, and will include the console, a controller, and 30 games built in, and be available on November 11, 2016.
Just in time for the holidays, because lets be honest, what do they have? 
The console will also come with 30 games, and those games include,
-Balloon Fight
  -Bubble Bobble
 -Castlevania II: Simon's Quest
-Donkey Kong
                                                                     -Donkey Kong Jr.
                                                               -Double Dragon II: The Revenge
                                                                          -Dr. Mario
                                                                        -Final Fantasy
                                                                    -Ghost N' Goblins
                                                                        -Ice Climbers
                                                                          -Kid Icarus
                                                                      -Kirby's Adventure
                                                                        -Mario Bros.
                                                                         -Mega Man
                                                                        -Ninja Gaiden
                                                           -Punch Out!! Featuring Mr. Dream
                                                                         -Super C
                                                                     -Super Mario Bros.
                                                            -Super Mario Bros. 2(Possibly USA)
                                                                    -Super Mario Bros. 3                                      
                                                                       -Tecmo Bowl
                                                                  -The Legend of Zelda                                      
                                                            -Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
                                                                Thank You for reading-Shadoko

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Two New Pokémon Reavealed in Corocoro

  There has been new Pokémon Corocoro leaks for its August 2016 issue, and those Pokémon are Kiteruguma (キテルグマ) and Mimikkyu (ミミッキュ).
The first Pokémon is Kiteruguma, it's a Normal/Fighting type that's resembles a bear with a brown body but a pink face, and has the ability Fluffy or Klutz, no word on what those abilities do. 
The second Pokémon is Mimikkyu, it's a Ghost/Fairy type with the ability Disguise, it doesn't like the sun light and prefers the dark witch could be a reason why it has a cloth over it.
That's it with this months Corocoro Magazine leaks and stay tune for more information as they come as it is most likely these Pokémon might have a name change for the English release.
Thank You for reading-Shadoko

Sunday, July 10, 2016

New Pokémon Revealed: Salandit

   On July 7, 2016 The Pokémon Company revealed a new Pokémon that will appear in the upcoming Pokémon games, Pokémon Sun & Pokémon Moon, this Pokémon is Salandit.
Salandit is the Toxic Lizard Pokémon, is a Fire/Poison Type, and has the ability Corrosion witch allows it to poison any Pokémon, including Poison and Steel types witch usually can't get poisoned.
You can see the full trailer of Salandit on The Pokémon YouTube channel.
Thank you for reading. -Shadoko

Friday, July 8, 2016

Pokémon Go Launched

      On July 6, 2016 Pokémon Go launched and is now available for anyone to download on your android device or i-phone. In Pokémon Go, you go walking outside and try to catch Pokémon, you can use items to help you catch more Pokémon and evolve them. The game also has micro-transactions that range for $0.99-$99.99, if you have that much money to blow. The game is 118MB in size, and a few things to keep in mind while playing the game is that its been reported to crash and drain your battery also added to the fact that the servers go down sometimes so you can't even log in. As shown here in this twitter post: from Twitter user   where she got this "White orb of Doom", where she couldn't get off the game or shut off her phone or anything.
There are other reports about the game that are a little more, awkward to say the least. One where a police station had to tell players that they didn't need to enter the police station in order to collect their Pokéballs and that Sandshrew wasn't going anywhere.
Link to full article from "Independent":
And there's another more freaky story where a 19-year-old girl found a dead body while playing the game... yeah, that happened.
Link to full article from "Go Nintendo":
So with all that, Pokémon Go seems to be doing a good job making its presents and try not to let the negatives get in your way from downloading the game and playing, it seems to be getting good reception. But a message for all players, and it goes without saying, be careful, watch where your going, stay safe and be responsible. But one more message, if you want to see Pokémon Go gameplay come to my YouTube channel where I'll be uploading gameplay soon. (Will update when gameplay is uploaded.)
Thank you for reading. -Shadoko

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

amiibo Check In! #1 E3 2016 6/29/16

So on E3 2016, Nintendo announced some new amiibo for the Super Mario Series Line, but the way they announced it at first with the Waluigi amiibo was really random but funny. Twitter user , (link to their Twitter page:, asked Nintendo, ". Next year Santa will have Waluigi Amiibos for us all, right?" and Nintendo responded, ". Yup.". After that Nintendo followed up with announcing the rest of the amiibo for the Super Mario Line, which are Wario, the previously mentioned Waluigi, Daisy, Rosalina, Boo, Donkey Kong, and Diddy Kong.
This new wave of amiibo are will be the first appearance of Waluigi, Daisy and Boo, as amiibo, and fun fact: the Boo amiibo is actually glow in the dark, so that's a cool touch. There has been no information on what the actual amiibo will do in Mario Party: Star Rush as of yet, so stay tune for future updates. All these amiibo will be compatible with Mario Party: Star Rush and will launch on November 4, 2016.

Along side that, Nintendo also announced new amiibo for the upcoming Zelda game, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. These amiibo include Link (Archer), Guardian, and Link (Rider).
These amiibo are set to release in 2017, presumably in March 2017 when the game releases on Wii U and NX. No word on what they will actually do in game yet, so stay tune for more details. But at the Nintendo Treehouse, they did confirm what the Wolf Link amiibo will do, when you tap the amiibo on the Wii U game pad, Wolf Link will appear and help you fight enemies and kill animals for food.

With that Nintendo showed off more amiibo stands where you can place your amiibo in style. These new displays are the Fire Bar stand, where you can wind up the fire bar and it'll spin. The second is the Master Sword Stand, this one plays music when you pull the Master Sword out, the song it plays is the song of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time when Link pulls the Master Sword out of its pedestal. Finally the Classic Donkey Kong display, which unlike the previously mentioned amiibo stands, can hold up to Nine amiibo while the others only hold One. The Fire Bar Stand and the Master Sword Stand will sell for $14.99, and the Classic Donkey Kong Stand will sell for $19.99, and all of them will be available on July 28, 2016, but of course you can pre-order them on Amazon.
Picture from:  on Twitter, and check out their website:

That's pretty much all the news on amiibo this past E3, what did you think, are amiibo going to shine and bring new gameplay features or will they continue to dump and just more plastic collecting dust on your shelf? Will like to here your thoughts in the comments. Don't forget to stay tune for more amiibo news and other gaming related topics.
Thank You for reading- Shadoko

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Legend of Zelda for Wii U will be coming to NX

 Last week Nintendo announced that The Legend of Zelda for Wii U will be coming for the NX, and like the NX the new Zelda game will launch in 2017. Along side this, Nintendo announced that The Legend of Zelda for the Wii U is the only game they'll have playable for this years E3. Yeah, as you may see, fans aren't taking this to lightly. With this, the future of Nintendo is starting to become, questionable, but even that's an understatement. So it seems that even with all that Nintendo's been through they still haven't learned anything, one can only hope for a good future for Nintendo, but even the most dedicated of fans find that hard to see.      

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Amiibo Check In!

Hello everyone, it's been a while since I posted here, but I'm back, and I'm going to start a new series called, "amiibo Check In!". (Title could use some work, I know but think it's decent.) Anyways, what this is going to be is a series of post where I keep you updated on the latest amiibo news, either a new amiibo announcement, news on compatible games, discussions, ect. I'll try to keep you updated every one to two weeks or so, depends on how the news flows. So yeah, hope you come to see the post, and we'll see how this turns out. Have a good day, and see ya.